Travel information:

Arrival Options:

Airport (City International Airport):

Travel time to the venue via taxi: 45 minutes
Travel time to the venue via public transport: 60 minutes
Train Station (Central Station):

Travel time to the venue via taxi: 25 minutes
Travel time to the venue via public transport: 30 minutes

The Grand Plaza Hotel:
Travel time to the venue via public transport: 20 minutes
Parkside Inn:
Travel time to the venue via public transport: 15 minutes
Harmony Suites:
Travel time to the venue via public transport: 25 minutes
Riverside Lodge:
Travel time to the venue via public transport: 30 minutes
Urban View Hotel:
Travel time to the venue via public transport: 10 minutes
Please note that the travel times mentioned above are approximate and can vary depending on traffic conditions and other factors. It's recommended for guests to plan their travel accordingly and consider potential delays.

Hotel options:

Reservations have been made for visitors at the following hotels. Please note that the options are only avaialble until 2 weeks from the start of AI Con and on a first come, first served basis. Other options are available.
The Grand Plaza Hotel
Introduction: The Grand Plaza Hotel offers luxurious accommodations with elegant decor and top-notch amenities. Guests can enjoy spacious rooms, fine dining options, and excellent service.
Phone number: +1-123-456-7890
Email address:
Address: 123 Main Street, Cityville
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 20 minutes
Parkside Inn
Introduction: The Parkside Inn is a boutique hotel nestled in a serene location, offering a tranquil retreat for guests. The hotel features comfortable rooms, a cozy lounge, and a beautiful garden.
Phone number: +1-234-567-8901
Email address:
Address: 456 Oak Avenue, Townsville
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 15 minutes
Harmony Suites
Introduction: Harmony Suites is a modern hotel known for its sleek design and exceptional amenities. Guests can enjoy spacious suites, a rooftop pool, a fitness center, and stunning city views.
Phone number: +1-345-678-9012
Email address:
Address: 789 Elm Street, Villagetown
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 25 minutes
Riverside Lodge
Introduction: The Riverside Lodge offers a charming riverside setting with comfortable accommodations. Guests can unwind in cozy rooms, explore nearby nature trails, and experience warm hospitality.
Phone number: +1-456-789-0123
Email address:
Address: 890 Maple Road, Riverdale
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 30 minutes
Urban View Hotel
Introduction: The Urban View Hotel is located in the heart of the city, offering modern and stylish accommodations. With contemporary rooms, a rooftop bar, and panoramic city views, it's a perfect choice for urban explorers.
Phone number: +1-567-890-1234
Email address:
Address: 901 Pine Street, Cityscape
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 10 minutes
Please note that the estimated travel times are approximate and can vary depending on traffic and other factors. It's advisable for guests to check public transport schedules and routes for accurate travel times.