1. What is AI Con?
AI Con is a fictional convention dedicated to showcasing the latest advancements and innovations in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). It brings together leading experts, researchers, and industry professionals to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and explore the future of AI.
2. When and where is AI Con taking place?
AI Con is scheduled to take place from November 27 to December 1 at the TechnoExpo Center, located at 789 Innovation Boulevard, Futurama City, AI-12345.
3. How can I register for AI Con?
To register for AI Con, please visit our official website at and navigate to the registration page. Fill in the required information, choose your preferred package, and complete the registration process.
4. What is the exhibitor lineup for AI Con?
AI Con features a diverse range of exhibitors showcasing cutting-edge AI technologies and solutions. You can explore the complete list of exhibitors on our website The exhibitors are organized by hall, with each offering unique AI-related products and services.
5. What events and presentations are happening at AI Con?
AI Con offers a comprehensive program of events, presentations, and workshops throughout the convention. The schedule includes keynote speeches by renowned AI experts, panel discussions, interactive workshops, and product demonstrations. You can find the detailed timetable on our website
6. How can I reach the venue?
The TechnoExpo Center is conveniently accessible by various modes of transportation. If you are arriving by air, City International Airport is the nearest airport. From there, it takes approximately 45 minutes by taxi or 60 minutes via public transport to reach the venue. If you prefer arriving by train, Central Station is the nearest train station, with a travel time of approximately 25 minutes by taxi or 30 minutes via public transport to the venue.
7. Are there recommended hotels near the venue?
Yes, we have partnered with several recommended hotels to provide convenient accommodations for AI Con attendees. The following hotels offer a comfortable stay and are within close proximity to the venue:
The Grand Plaza Hotel:
Phone number: +1-123-456-7890
Email address:
Address: 123 Main Street, Cityville
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 20 minutes.
Parkside Inn:
Phone number: +1-234-567-8901
Email address:
Address: 456 Oak Avenue, Townsville
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 15 minutes.
Harmony Suites:
Phone number: +1-345-678-9012
Email address:
Address: 789 Elm Street, Villagetown
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 25 minutes.
Riverside Lodge:
Phone number: +1-456-789-0123
Email address:
Address: 890 Maple Road, Riverdale
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 30 minutes.
Urban View Hotel:
Phone number: +1-567-890-1234
Email address:
Address: 901 Pine Street, Cityscape
Estimated travel time to the venue via public transport: 10 minutes.
8. Is there parking available at the venue?
Yes, the TechnoExpo Center provides parking facilities for attendees. Please follow the designated signs and instructions upon arrival at the venue.
9. Can I bring a guest or a colleague with me to AI Con?
Certainly! Guests and colleagues are welcome to join you at AI Con. They will need to register separately and obtain their own passes to access the convention.
10. Is there Wi-Fi available at the venue?
Yes, complimentary Wi-Fi access is provided throughout the TechnoExpo Center. You will receive the login details upon registration.
11. Can I cancel my registration for AI Con?
Yes, cancellations are accepted. Please refer to our cancellation policy on the website for detailed information regarding refunds and deadlines.

12. Can I participate digitally?
No, AI Con is an in person conference. However some events may be recorded for later viewing.

13. Am I allowed to bring a pet?
Pets are not allowed inside the convention center. Exceptions are made for registered service animals.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact our support team at or call our hotline at +1-800-123-4567. We look forward to welcoming you to AI Con and hope you have a rewarding and enlightening experience!